Monday 6 April 2015

My Facial Skincare Routine


So I used to have really bad skin problems that I'm actually still working on. Rather than breaking out frequently, when I do breakout it leaves bad scarring. It's a bit of a problem because some spots usually fade, but the larger more prominent ones seem to be permanent (or have been there for more than a couple of months). While I have tried lots to stop the problem, the only way I can think to solve my problem is to prevent any further breakouts. I have a strict skincare routine, which by the end you will find out is heavily Clinique influenced, that I stick to to prevent unnecessary scarring.


1. I use the Clinique rinse-off foaming cleaner first and this really wakes me up. It comes out as a textured gel that spreads really easily off your face and lathers mildly before it can easily be washed off. I then follow this with the Clinique liquid facial soap (mild) which is Step 1 of the 3-step skin care procedure by Clinique. This facial soap lathers less but really cleans your skin, and I can feel it cleansing my pores. I only use the latter soap twice daily (once again at night to clear my skin if I have used light makeup - if I use heavier makeup, I would remove it with an actual makeup remover), and any other product once.

Note: In between step 1 and 2, I like to leave at least a 15 minute gap to allow my skin to readjust to the oil loss and I just find that throughout the day, my skin becomes less oily if I include this 15 minute break.

2. After my 15 minute break, I use the Clinique clarifying lotion, in the number 2, which is Step 2 of the 3-step skin care procedure by Clinique. The number 2 is effective with dry combination skin (i.e. my T-zone produces a lot more oil than my cheek and chin areas). Do not let the title deceive you, this definitely works as more of a toner then a lotion, and it helps to balance out the pH levels in the skin. It also opens up the pores which really helps when I want to use something further on my skin after this. I apply this with a cotton ball or a makeup pad (I find the makeup pad works more efficiently) and predominantly dab around my T-zone area. It is important that you do not swipe or rub it into your skin as this will only irritate your skin or make it burn. Also remember to cover the oiliest parts of your face last as you do not want to spread the oil around your face but rather remove any excess oil.

3. As Clinique is a brand usually recommended for older users, I wanted to go for a moisturiser that worked in not repairing skin, but just making sure it wasn't dry. The Clinique dramatically different moisturising gel was recommended for me and it worked perfectly, and is step 3 in the 3-step skin care procedure by Clinique. It applies evenly, smoothly and very lightly over the face which provides a nice moisture barrier for the skin. It makes sure that my skin does not dry out and keeps it soft and supple and bouncy. My theory is; if your skin doesn't bounce, it is not moisturised and is not healthy. 

Note: The following product is probably the most important thing in my skin care routine! If there is one thing I can recommend for anyone seeking to look after their skin better it would be to use a good sun screen. It will protect your skin and, especially if you're younger, keep it healthier for longer. Your skin (and yourself) will love you for it in the long run, and you'll have less to worry about.

4. I know - the thing you've been dreading most, sunscreen/sunblock. I promise though, in the long run, buying a good quality sunscreen is probably the best thing you can do when concerned with protecting your skin. Aside from the obvious good qualities, it can also be used as a base coat or primer for your makeup and I promise - by doing your research, you can purchase a non-oily sunscreen (yes, they do exist). I use the Clinique Super City Block, which is an oil-free daily face protector with SPF 30+. The picture above is of the old tube I used, but Clinique, in its latest City Block range has increase the SPF to 30+, which is the one I am currently using. I love this stuff! You don't have to worry about it matching your skin tone because it blends with your skin and applies as a sheer, weightless layer. It protects your skin, and applies well so it's not even a chore to put on. I swear by it, and even though I swore I looked like a ghost when I first applied it, I know it was just me doing my own head in. Although the packaging says to use generously, I would first apply a little sparingly just to ensure you don't manage to cake your face with it and realise your mistakes (I come from experience). Use it right, and it will do you good. 

5. Although not strictly speaking a skin care product - for younger people, I would recommend this as a lighter alternative to foundation. When you are young, your skin does not need to be covered with foundations and concealers, so I merely recommend that a BB cream is used as an alternative. I use the Maybelline New York Dream Fresh BB Cream in the shade medium-deep. It blend easily, and allows your skin the ability to breathe much more than a foundation or concealer would. Covering your pores, and not removing makeup properly, can result in breakouts due to the pores being filled with any oily residue. The use of a lighter, easy to remove BB Cream will make it a quick and simple task to remove. 

I hope this helped anyone. Any products you swear by in looking after and protecting your skin? 

Also, to the lovely lady I spoke to at the food markets a couple of days ago. That blog post should be going up soon, I'm having a little trouble uploading the pictures. Thank you for being so nice.

Much love,


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