Friday 31 July 2015

Short Hair, Don't Care!


I've always had long hair growing up and it, at one time, got to the point where it was my identifier. "Oh you're the girls with long hair, right?" "Yeah, that's me." Now, while I didn't mind it, it wasn't something that I wanted to be known for. I love long hair, but I don't want it to be my definition. Now, you might think I was exaggerating, but with all honesty, I can state that my hair (however dead at the tips it was) reached down to my knees. It was very, very long. I constantly felt drowned, and my hair has a tendency to be frizzy, so it made me feel a little bit like a lion (which was a pro).

As I got older, however, I made the choice to cut it. At the time, it felt like a lot, but looking back on it, it wasn't much at all. When the operation was done, it reached to about halfway down my back. What I had cut, I donated to Locks of Love, which is a great cause. Now, I sort of wished I had cut it even shorter. I think everyone, at some point should experience both short and long hair, which is why I had wished I had cut more of it off when I was in high school - because that's the time to make mistakes. Now, it's grown back to my hips, but I refuse to let it grow back any further.

Short hair has always appeared very mature and elegant to me. I'm not sure if that' just me, but judging by the overwhelming number of people who are now making the choice to cut their hair, I feel like I'm not alone. Anything shoulder length and above, I view as very brave. Anything from shoulders to half way down the back I still admire. So here, I thought I would just make a little appreciation post about short hair. Because I love it.

Alicia Keys
Emeli Sande

Emma Watson

Anne Hathaway

Ingrid Nelsen
Jennifer Aniston

Lily Collins

Okay, yes. I have one larger than usual one. You guys know that this means that I have fallen in love with this more than anything else that I have displayed. Let me just start by telling you what a beautiful person Zoe Sugg is, both inside and out. On top of that, she is undoubtedly one of the most gorgeous people I have ever seen. So when she cut her hair short (and lopped off all her characteristic long hair in the process), my jaw dropped. But how stunning is she looking now?! Even to this day, her hair inspires and makes me love long hair even more. SO PRETTY! 

How would you describe your hair? And what would you change it to if you had the chance? 

Much love,


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