Friday 17 July 2015


Bet that title caught your attention. In all honesty, if you clicked on this in hopes to find anything to fuel your imagination then you've probably taken a wrong turn. I was looking up my favourite chatty blog posts that people have done in the past that I adored and would like to recreate, about me, for my blog. One of the ones I stumbled across was someone writing about five passions that they have and how they influenced their life. Considering most of my blog posts consist of content that does not, in particular, relate to my personal life, I love just being able to sit down and write and feel like I'm chatting with you reading this.

If you follow my Twitter (find me here), or you've been reading my posts for a little bit, you'll know that I've recently returned to schooling after a little break. This break was not personal, but rather a break that everyone took. I just wanted to let you all know that I will be writing more chatty posts from now on, apart from the odd occasion where I may go out (in which case you'll have something different!). The time I would have spent in the past going out or on leisure activities, I will now have to spend studying as one of the more important years of my education are coming up.

So, here we go. I hope you enjoy and learn a little more about me!

1. Dancing: I've been dancing ever since I can remember. I used to dress up in my tiny little leotard and bounce around the room in my fairy tutu imitating those princesses on the TV until my mother couldn't stand me bruising my arm from falling over again. From the age of four, I've attended some dance school or the other. When I was younger, dancing used to be a little bit of a fun thing - I would have friends, we would be a little silly together and I would go home with no worries. As I aged, though, dancing stopped being something that I would look to to have a little bit of fun, but rather something that I looked forward to. It's one of the few things that I have, in my own responsibility, fully committed and stuck with for as long as I have. I also think that it's one of the many factors that assisted me in my obsession with health and exercise as I grew up. Right now I'm still being trained in the classical Cecchetti style of ballet, and have been since I was six or seven, and it's helped me build my posture, strength and endurance so much. I can safely say I would not be who I am today without the influence of dance.

2. Music: Around the same time I started training for Cecchetti ballet, I was enrolled into a very laid back keyboard class. From there, my love for piano started. I've been playing piano for a good number of years now, and I still get the same feeling of excitement whenever I sit on a piano stool and put my fingers on the keys. I also think that my love for piano stemmed into my love for music generally. I have had a lot of times in my life where I have experiments with a lot of different styles and genres of music, and I hope to write some kind of post about that at some point, but music has and always will be a big part of my life. Every individual person in my house also enjoys a very varied style of music, so my family has also had a huge impact on how I perceived, respected and admired music from a young age

3. Travel: Although suffering from the unfortunate fate of a student's budget, I have made so many untold plans to travel overseas and experience, well, life. I don't think my life will ever be complete or satisfied (as cliché as it sounds) until I have utilised all the opportunities I have been given to experience different cultures and places to their absolute maximum (and I do mean everything about the culture - food, clothes, everything). I have no doubt in my mind that I will travel the world, or to the extent that I see fit, because that is one of my absolute, non-negotiable wishes that I have been asking for ever since I knew it was possible travel. At first it was to see pretty places, but it soon evolved into so much more and I have a good feeling that this is one of those dreams that is going to stick until I achieve it.

4. Design: Not so much of the fashions sorts, although I do love creating and putting together new wardrobe assortments - it's just something I find myself enjoying, rather than being passionate about. My design is more on the spectrum of interior design. I have always been tucked away in my parent's house, with the ability to do what I want (with my parent's permission, of course) but I have always had it on my conscience that once I move out, what are they going to do with a room that just screams out my name. So the plan is to complete a uni course that I can pursue an enjoyable career in, and then go back to some sort of school that can offer me a qualification that I can do maybe in my spare time. I want it to act as two things - a sort of backup just in case the time comes, or a way of doing something I purely enjoy so I don't have to get bored and get lost. The idea of interior design, although unknown to me, must have stemmed from my absolute love of architecture when I was younger. I suppose as I grew up, that yearning shifted to the other side of things and now I hope to pursue the inside of the making.

5. The Future: Interpret this as you will, but I am obsessed with my future. I am without a doubt able to say that I know that my future is going to be so much more exciting than my past has proved to pan out and I am so ready. I'm not sure if this is just me, but I could spend hours, and even day, planning my life just as how I want it to be. Now this may seem weird to you, but it sets up competition with myself, for myself and this motivates me to strive for that goal. I don't deal well with competing with other people, but when I'm working towards my own personal goal (which people do not have to know about) it proves so much more effective in making me want to work, because I want to get there.

I hope this helped you understand me a little more. I wrote a quite a bit about my childhood and earlier years in here. Nostalgia!

Much love,


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