Tuesday 2 June 2015

Bucketlist #3

Hello hello hello.

If you guys haven't noticed, I've been doing some tidying up around and about my blog. I aim to go through all my content and tidying up everything I've missed or made errors to. The next few posts are probably going to be quite chatty as I don't have much to report back on, or any other remotely interesting things to share with you all. However, I did attend a rather lovely light show in my major city, which I took LOTS of snaps of, which I should be able to show you in the near future. Just updating you with another bucketlist today though.

21. Announce my first pregnancy to my family in a really clever way

22. See the Northern Lights

23. Have an awe inspiring wedding shoot

24. Help someone release an album (of music)

25. Completely redo my room / furnish and decorate my house

26. Complete a course on something I am 100% purely interested in, and not just do something because of the money (in addition to a course I genuinely find interesting and can get somewhere with... I do want to be successful too!)

27. Take my parents on a holiday

28. Have a couple of days without any interaction from the outside world

29. Travel alone (even if just to one country, just to experience complete solitude)

30. Run a non-anonymous blog one day where I write about whatever the heck I want

Much love,


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