Tuesday 17 February 2015

Daily Embarrassment Dosage


I have been having a really excellent week at school. Although I'm meant to be getting loaded up with more work than I could ever have imagined - my stress levels have been down and I've been prioritising and actually working. This could also be because the homework I have now actually interests me and it doesn't feel like a chore I have to complete.

Anyway, maybe I just haven't been conscience of it before or it's all just psychological so it's happening more frequently but I have recently become increasingly aware of what situations I put myself in unnecessarily. Not that it's majorly impacting on my life but the amount of times I become flushed and embarrassed in a day is probably a bit more than an average person.

For example, in one day I managed to both walk into the boys bathroom unintentionally (for future reference, boys bathrooms smell horrible) and tell my friend about some romantic suspicions I had, without realising the person connected to these suspicions was standing right beside me. I've also come to notice how, either:

a) My friend have gotten used to it and so don't find it peculiar that I manage to make a fool out of myself, or;
b) My friends are really good about it and decide not to dwell on the fact that I being related to them in some way may potential ruin or dramatically affect their social standing for no other reason apart from my ability to function in a coordinated manner

Either way I'm eternally grateful for their endless support and willingness to only hold onto these moments when vitally necessarily. Although only a couple of people I personally know know I run this blog, all of you guys rock my world. You should all tell me about the awkward/embarrassing moments you've had and how you overcame them.

Much love,


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