Tuesday 13 October 2015

Some Good Ol' Chatter

Hey all!

I'm baaaaaack! I've spent a good many hours contemplating, amongst other things, what my next blog post should be about. I came to the realisation that I haven't been talking to you guys (like a really good, nice jabber) as much as I used to, which is something I really liked to do. I found bits and pieces of the following in drafts that I had started but had never finished and didn't really seem to have a point to, so I thought I'd collab a few of my little thoughts to make a big one. There is probably no sequence, but I thought it'd still be nice.

I know I haven't been as consistent or reliable with my content and publishing as I promised myself I would be, but it's honestly the best I think I could do. As many as you know, my exams were really restricting me on the quality of the content I was able to have access to, and the time I had on my hands to fiddle with. However, my exams are over! And this consequently means that you should be able to expect more enjoyable things out of me in the weeks to come, especially as I'll be going up the coast for a family holiday and may be able to snap a couple of sneaky shots for you guys.

Recently I've actually had a few days off, in which I spent lazing about and doing little somethings with friends, which was lovely. In and amongst this lazing, I have been able to discover a lot of things which really intrigue me. In addition to constantly having a tab open playing some sort of media (whether that be YouTube, movies, or the rare television show - I tend to watch them on proper television), I've been discovering and rediscovering blogs. I think one of the things that really sparked this was the relaunch of the Zoella blog. As many of you know, Zoe Sugg had a bit of a haitus from her blog, in which she took time to rest and think about what she wanted to do. I can happily say that she's back, better then ever, with a blog that is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I am in awe of her design and her new blogging style.

Speaking of bloggers, in much excitement, I actually had a really quirky talk with the beautiful Velvetgh0st on Twitter about food (of all the wonderful things). It was so exciting and such a surreal moment to be able to talk to one of the people whom I spend hours watching on YouTube and read about on their blogs. She was such a lovely person and it was weird to know so many people had seen our conversation too (and to watch the amount of Favourites that kept rolling in from the people who had seen the Tweets).

I've also been doing a little bit (quite a bit more than I'm used to) of shopping to prepare myself for my families visit in the upcoming weeks. I love being able to spend time with my family, whether it be for a few days or four weeks, but I also like being able to feel nice (I know this sounds awfully weird) while doing it. Also considering I would be spending a week or so going up the sunny coast, and many of my clothes were there to help me during the Winter (colder) months, I thought buying some clothes to accommodate me for the next half a year or so was acceptable. The only problem I seem to run into when shopping is that I tend to be drawn towards the tops, and seem to completely neglect the bottom half of a potential outfit Aside from a couple of pairs of jeans (the only couple I own that actually fit...), a couple of pairs of shorts and a few skirts, I don't have that many bottoms to accompany outfits. I guess that'll be my next mission then - to find some bottoms (in concern to clothing, nothing else)!

I've also been exploring, with what free time I've had, into music. I love to stick with what I know, which is generally classified into 'indie rock' or 'soft rock', but I've recently been extending to exploring new artists on YouTube, listening to those albums that you've always had but never been inclined to listen to or rediscovering artists and albums that were once loved but have recently been neglected. I've come to realise that I love artists like Miguel, as well as The Killers and The Kooks. I love being able to love a variety of music, and I love that I sometimes now feel like jumping around my room again because I have something fresh to listen to.

Much to my surprise, I've been watching shows on my laptop when I can! I mean, I'm more of a person to wait till they come on my Aussie television and then record them, but unfortunately most of the shows that I want to watch, I do not have access to, and I'm trying not to succumb to the temptation of Netflix (which has just been recently introduced to Australia). My most recent guilty pleasure is The Vampire Diaries (oh, I know, I give myself enough confused looks), but I love to stick to my roots as well. Speaking of which, can we talk about How To Get Away With Murder and Empire. They both surprised me by coming out close to each other, and I got to enjoy them with my older cousin too. I've also recently started watching Quantico (with fellow Indian Priyanka Chopra) and although I've watched only one episode, I feel like it's going to be a good 'un.

I am meant to be focusing on school. Sigh. A bit of an exaggeration though, because I've been keeping up with school work for now. I just can't wait till I feel like my back's breaking with work that's expected of me.

My family friends just came over so I was playing with their little daughter, who was telling me a variation of Cinderella, which she told me had a big 'story twist' at the end which was to be a surprise. It made me so happy that the twist was that Cinderella said no to the Prince when the hat (we had to scavenge around my ten year old Barbie's and came up short) fit her head properly because Cinderella still had to finish studying and get a job before she wanted to get married to anyone. When I asked her why she put this twist in, she simply said "because Cinderella wasn't ready and that's okay." This genuinely made me have good butterflies, and a huge smile.

That's all for now, I hope you've had a brilliant past few days and continue to have a brilliant week.

Much love,


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